Yö Kekri Vol.2 Open Call

Yö Kekri Vol.2 Open Call

Apply to be a part of Yö Kekri vol.2 Art celebration! Application is open until September 10th 2023.

Yö Kekri Vol.2 is an multi-art festival organized at Yö Galleria, in the center of Helsinki from October 2th to October 29th, 2023. The event brings together different fields of art from visual arts and music to live poetry and from dance to performance art. The theme of Kekri Vol.2 is "Carnival". As a cross-cultural phenomenon carnival is a festival of anarchy, laughter and transgression, a temporary release from social obligations and hierarchies.

Artists can approach the theme as they wish.

Yö kekri Vol.2 program is selected from Open Call applications from Yö ry's membership. Applying to be part of the Yö Kekri Vol.2 art festival requires a paid membership fee for 2023.

You can apply for your work/performance to be part of one of the three different events of Yö Kekri Vol.2:


1) Yö Kekri Vol.2 Group exhibition

Yö Kekri Vol.2 For a group exhibition, a week-long art exhibition that will be held at the Gallery during October. The theme of the exhibition is "carnival". The theme can be approached freely. You can participate in the exhibition with new or old work. You can propose one work to the exhibition. Exhibition supervision is done by the artists participating in the festival. Yö ry takes 20% of the sales commission from the work sold.

Please send high-quality artwork photo (max. 2MB) to: producer@yory.fi

NOTE! Name the files in the format: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_WORK_HEIGHT_WIDTH_TECHNIQUE_PRICE_VAT. In the VAT section of the name, add the information whether the work is sold with value added tax (VAT) that is added to the PRICE or without value added tax (NOVAT)


2)Yö Kekri Vol.2 Artjams

As part of the Yö Kekri 2 art festival, a new type of art concept, Yö Artjams is being piloted. Artjams brings artists from different fields together to create multi-art collective works of art.

Artjam participants are selected based on Open Call applications from among Yö ry's member artists. Artjams selection committee chooses 5 suitable working teams, who represent different art forms. Artjam teams get one day to work together at Yö Galleria during Yö Kekri.

The central idea of ​​Artjams is to strengthen the cooperation between artists and art forms and the sense of community among Yö ry's member artists. The project works as a kind of "artistic blind date", through which artists previously unknown to each other create a joint work from start to finish. It is hoped that the joint works will deal with the theme of Yö Kekri Vol.2 "Carnival"

We ask those interested to send a message to: producer@yory.fi In the message, state your full name, contact information and the art form you represent.


3) Yö Kekri Vol.2 Performances

You can also apply to be a part of Yö Kekri Vol.2 with a free-form performance. It can represent any form of essay art, from music to poetry recitation, and from dance to performance and hybrid forms. Send a short description of your performance to: producer@yory.fi. Include the estimated duration of the presentation and the technical needs in the description. Note! For scheduling reasons, your presentation may be part of a larger ensemble with other presentations.